Sub-Contract Plastic Welding Services
The benefits of using our in house plastic welding services are;
No capital expenditure on machinery.
No operator training.
No underutilised machinery.
![Plastic welded Vodka Flavouring Carton](../_webedit/cached-images/72-0-2282-1456-6297-6237-1210.jpg)
![Plastic welded expansion tank](../_webedit/cached-images/73-0-1553-991-7195-7127-1382.jpg)
Looking for an economically viable way to produce hot plate welded components in small batch quantities then this is the solution.
At Machine Techniques (UK) Ltd we can carry out hot plate welding operations for you. We have two machines on site, one vertical and one horizontal.
We will design and manufacture tooling comprising of nests to support components and hot plates to melt your specific profiles to be mounted directly onto the machine.
Individual components can then be shipped into us for assembly / welding operations.